Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Time flies...when you're having fun

I don't know if I'm ready to say this, but my baby boy is almost 2. Where in the world has the time gone??? It really seems like yesterday he was born and we were learning how to juggle the world of two little ones. Now look at us...old pros! ;)

I really cannot believe how fast this time has passed. Since the first year is basically a blur in my mind, I'm sure that's why I cannot believe two years is almost upon us. Being a mother to a 1.5 year old and a newborn had its ups and downs. I'm not going to was rough. I can remember like it was yesterday sitting in "play group" with my friends (two of which had babies around the time I had Cooper) thinking............"When can I go back to work!?!?!?!" They laugh at me to this day about how my face looked the entire time I spent those few hours with them once a week during that summer I was off. They joke with me and say, "Poor Katie, she had no clue what she was getting into when she agreed to come to play group!" It was during that maternity leave that I decided FOR SURE that I was not cut out to be a stay at home mom.

My oh my how our lives have changed from those two short years ago. This angel that we have been so blessed with, has filled our hearts more than ever imagined. I know I speak for Brandon & I both when saying, we are humbly honored that we were chosen to be Cooper's parents. The Lord knew exactly what He was doing when He decided it was His plan to bless us with another little boy. Cooper fills our heart with happiness, joy and love every day.

Now on the other hand, there have been many times that I have seen my life flash forward 10-15 years and Cooper is the one giving me the heart attacks and headaches. He is so precious, but man he's going to be the wild one. I am truly scared (sometimes) of what our lives will be like when this little man is a teenager. Lord, I am praying now...please help us!!! :)

With all that being said, how in the world could you not fall in love with this little boy. Those "baby blues" just melt your heart (well, they do mine!).

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