Thursday, June 17, 2010

Keeping up with the Thompsons

We have been busy, busy the last few weeks! I seriously don't think we have slowed down any since the first of May.

I think I mentioned a few weeks ago that B & C both changed classes on June 1. If I didn't mention it, I meant to. :) Well, they have been loving their new classes. For the most part, neither of them are having any separation anxiety in the mornings and that's always a good sign. I think for now, all the toys in the class are new so they take off running. They both have swim day once a week Brice had bike day on Fridays. Cooper's new teacher has a Shutterfly site and uploads pictures from the week for all the parents to see. You will see that I may of snagged a few from some of their swim time. They are just too cute not to share.

In Brice's new class you are supposed to be fully potty trained. Well, we are still having potty issues but overall he has done well. I PRAY PRAY PRAY that it will "click" very soon!!!! If this is any sign of our future, Coop may be in diapers until kindergarten. Ugghhhhh, how do parents survive this!?!?!?!? Give me vomit ANY DAY over underwear full of.....well, you know. BARFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

On a more fun and happier note: Brandon & I took the boys to see Nick Jr. LIVE on Tuesday, June 8. It was a school night, but it is summer so we might be a little lax about our schedule these days. The boys absolutely LOVED it!!! Brice was in a trance the entire show. Cooper would not leave my lap and his heart was beating a million times a minute, but after it was all over he wouldn't stop talking about it. I am not sure he could understand why Moose, Zee, Pablo & Tyrone, Dora & Boots were all right there in front of him. Brandon and I got our fair share of laughs, but overall it was pretty painless. What we wouldn't do for the boys, right!?!?!?

We also spent last weekend and the first part of this week at the beach with Grammie & Gramps. The boys and I went down Friday morning and Brandon met us later that night. We got to spend several days at their newly renovated condo in Orange Beach. The beach was beautiful and so was the water (from what we could tell). We never saw any oil (from the BP spill), but there was coverage all over the news while we were there. Even the President came to town during our visit. We never saw him, but we saw alllllllllllllllll the security!

The boys had an absolute blast swimming at the pool, eating lots of junk and playing arcade games at The Track. Brice was a complete water bug this trip. He loved every minute of swimming. We finally bought a lifejacket for him and that was all she wrote. Once he had that thing on, he was gone...swimming all over the pool, jumping in all by himself. It was exciting to see him love the water so much. Coop on the other hand, well....he was a little timid. He liked the water, but was suctioned to my arm with a death grip. He would stand on the side and jump in, but only if we were standing at the wall and picked him up and put him in the water. He didn't mind going under at all, but would have no part of "jumping in". I think we give him another year and he will be a water bug with his brother. He can't stand not to do something Brice is doing, so I don't see this phase lasting long at all. Besides, he's our daredevil so we know he will be all over the place soon!

Overall, we are having loads of fun this summer! We have a visit to North Carolina to see some of Brandon's family in July and another family beach trip planned in August. Who knew our summer would be jam packed with plans, but I guess that's what happens when you have children. It's all worth it in the end!!

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